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Patrick Page Masterclass Reveal A Card DVD


Patrick Page Masterclass DVD – Reveal A Card Patrick Page – Magic Gold Series No. 4 This is the 4th in a newly released series of Patrick Page – Magic Gold DVDs. Ideal for anyone interested in card magic. For both beginners AND advanced card magicians. Patrick Page always believed in keeping things simple – less to go wrong. In this DVD he shows the basics for beginners and at the end shows some of the more difficult card manoeuvres. He rarely performed those as he always believed that “it was always about the effect”. The spectator was never interested in how difficult or easy the effect was to perform by the magician. In over 50 years working as a professional magician, Patrick Page kept it simple. Product now back in stock!!!

Patrick Page’s Old Moore’s Diary Trick


Simple to perform Old Moore’s Diary Trick. It can be self working for the beginner magician or with some clever shuffling of the pack, it can be even more impressive. It is the ultimate take on a diary trick. No questions asked. No forcing of cards. It can be repeated immediately. Only one diary used. It can be used for leap years. The diary is in full view of the spectator all the time. The diary should last a lifetime. It comes with a diary, full written instructions on how to perform the clip and a PAL DVD clip of Patrick Page performing the trick with his patter. The DVD should work on all MAC and PC computers.