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Easy Money


This is possibly the most well known of all the tricks and effects invented by Patrick Page but one that many people do not even realise was invented by him. It has been copied by magicians and dealers all over the world.

The copyright for the trick rests with Patrick Page Magic.

This includes a DVD showing you how to perform the trick and the gimmick with fake money which you can use to create your own gimmick using real pound notes, euro notes, dollars or whatever currency you want to use.

Dynamo recently appeared on tv with a variation (also invented by Patrick Page) of turning lottery tickets into money.

Hanky Panky Cloth


The Hanky Panky Cloth is designed to produce or vanish almost any small object: coins, balls, packs of cards, packet of cigarettes etc.

The Hanky Panky Cloth Trick includes a Hanky Panky Cloth, the original written instructions by Patrick Page and a short DVD of the man himself demonstrating the effect (taken from The Pageboy Speaks DVD Lecture which is also available for purchase from this site).

And a further use of the cloth is to perform table top magic and gather items used before moving on to the next table. Patrick Page used this regularly when performing at functions at hotels and dinner functions.



This has the true stamp of“Page brilliance” on it – a simple plot, completely practical and a total fooler! Oh and the best bit… it’s easy to do!

Best described as “The Miser’s dream in a bag”.

Great for close up. Spectators (children) get to look inside the bag and then before their very eyes coins appear from nowhere in the bag as they hit a small plate in the bag (small plate not supplied).



This is a brilliant effect devised by Patrick Page that can be performed by magicians of all levels. The effect is for two borrowed wedding rings to be released from the shackle of a combination padlock which is set to the year of marriage of one of the lenders.

Purse Frame


In one of the many boxes that came from Patrick’s house we found a small amount of the original Purse Frame Trick instruction booklets copyright dated 1988.

This 34 page A5 size publication is his take on what he called “one of the greatest little gadgets ever dreamed up by magicians for the entertainment of lay people” and said “it’s funny, it’s magical and it’s easy”.

The booklet comes with the Purse Frame. You can now use it to make large coins, sponge balls, packs of cards etc. – appear in the imaginary purse.

Sleeve Dropper


This Sleeve Dropper was invented by Patrick Page and regularly used as part of his act.

The Sleeve Dropper is a device originally intended to release a Jumbo size coin into the sleeve of the performer.

If the performer’s arm is in a bent elbow position, the coin will remain in the sleeve until the performer’s hand is dropped to his side.

At that moment the coin will drop down the sleeve into the performer’s waiting hand, to be produced or revealed as the performer desires.

Great for using to switch a pack of cards that a spectator has shuffled with a stacked deck

Topit Vanisher


Topit is the rather unusual name given to one of the most versatile props ever devised to assist the performance of magic effects.

It is a large pocket which is fastened to the inside of your jacket.

Learn how to use this prop and you will be able to make everyday items vanish and reappear before the very eyes of spectators. There is something very powerful about making an item that a spectator has touched and used, disappear in front of them.

This comes with a free DVD excerpt showing you how to use the topit. We sell an extra DVD with more footage and information on how to perform this effect separately.