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Patrick Page’s Fifty Fifty Cards


This is a card effect that has been around for many years and Patrick Page came up with a variation. In the original effect, the performer never knew which cards the spectators had selected until they actually placed the cards on the table.

In the Patrick Page version, the performer is the one who looks through the cards and places them face down on the table BEFORE the spectators name their cards.

Patrick Page’s Old Moore’s Diary Trick


Simple to perform Old Moore’s Diary Trick. It can be self working for the beginner magician or with some clever shuffling of the pack, it can be even more impressive. It is the ultimate take on a diary trick. No questions asked. No forcing of cards. It can be repeated immediately. Only one diary used. It can be used for leap years. The diary is in full view of the spectator all the time. The diary should last a lifetime. It comes with a diary, full written instructions on how to perform the clip and a PAL DVD clip of Patrick Page performing the trick with his patter. The DVD should work on all MAC and PC computers.

The Pageboy Speaks – Patrick Page Lecture DVD


The Pageboy Speaks – A lecture by Patrick Page to magicians showing how to perform many of the tricks that he invented and used in his act.

Sadly Patrick is no longer with us. This is the next best thing – a recording of one of the lectures that he performed all over the world in front of magicians teaching them how to perform his best tricks. As well as telling you everything you need to know about how to perform the effects, the routines and patter to use, the lecture also is a great example of Patrick Page’s humour. He was an entertainer!