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Magic Page by Page Book Continental Europe (Non UK)


The 1st Edition Hardback version of Magic Page by Page by Patrick Page was published at the end of November 2011 and the 1,000 copies printed were sold out in May 2013. Thank you to everyone who bought the book and said such nice things about it. This is the 2nd edition softback version. Same print quality but with a soft cover and a few more photos. Lighter in weight to send by post. We have passed on the cost savings to you. Cost £75 inclusive of postage and packing to addresses in Continental Europe.

Magic Page by Page Book Rest of World Delivery


The 1st Edition Hardback version of Magic Page by Page by Patrick Page was published at the end of November 2011 and the 1,000 copies printed were sold out in May 2013. Thank you to everyone who bought the book and said such nice things about it. This is the 2nd edition softback made to the same quality but with a softback and a few more photos. It is lighter so costs less to post. We pass that saving in postage (shipping) on to you. Everything you need to know about magic to become a professional magician. Cost of the book inclusive of shipping to addresses outside of Europe (USA, Australia, etc. £100). Sadly, the cost of postage and paper and printing costs have increased significantly and we have experienced a number of failed deliveries to the USA. As a result we have had to increase our price which reflects only SOME of the increased costs to us to be able to post the book to you. We now send the book by tracking. The cost of this is £30.85. Sorry.

Magic Page by Page UK Delivery


The 1st Edition Hardback version of Magic Page by Page by Patrick Page was published at the end of November 2011 and the 1,000 copies printed were sold out in May 2013. Thank you to everyone who bought the book and said such nice things about it. This is the 2nd edition soft back version. Same quality printing but with more photos and lighter in weight. Cost £65 inclusive of postage and packing to the UK

Purse Frame


In one of the many boxes that came from Patrick’s house we found a small amount of the original Purse Frame Trick instruction booklets copyright dated 1988.

This 34 page A5 size publication is his take on what he called “one of the greatest little gadgets ever dreamed up by magicians for the entertainment of lay people” and said “it’s funny, it’s magical and it’s easy”.

The booklet comes with the Purse Frame. You can now use it to make large coins, sponge balls, packs of cards etc. – appear in the imaginary purse.

The Pageboy Speaks Again


The Pageboy Speaks was a series of articles written by Patrick Page, the legendary magician, between 1974 and the mid 1980’s.

Originally printed in the close up magic magazine, Pabular, The Pageboy Speaks became a diary of his thoughts, escapades and experiences, written in his own unique style.

This is a great book that gives an insight into the history of magic in the 1960’s and 70’s by a man who was very much part of that history. Written in large font so easy to read..