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Magic Page by Page Book Continental Europe (Non UK)


The 1st Edition Hardback version of Magic Page by Page by Patrick Page was published at the end of November 2011 and the 1,000 copies printed were sold out in May 2013. Thank you to everyone who bought the book and said such nice things about it. This is the 2nd edition softback version. Same print quality but with a soft cover and a few more photos.  Cost £130 inclusive of postage and packing and sent with tracking to addresses in Continental Europe.

Magic Page by Page Book Rest of World Delivery


The 1st Edition Hardback version of Magic Page by Page by Patrick Page was published at the end of November 2011 and the 1,000 copies printed were sold out in May 2013. Thank you to everyone who bought the book and said such nice things about it. This is the 2nd edition softback made to the same quality but with a softback and a few more photos. Everything you need to know about magic to become a professional magician. Cost of the book inclusive of shipping to addresses outside of Europe (USA, Australia, etc. £150).  We send the book by tracking.  

Magic Page by Page UK Delivery


The 1st Edition Hardback version of Magic Page by Page by Patrick Page was published at the end of November 2011 and the 1,000 copies printed were sold out in May 2013. Thank you to everyone who bought the book and said such nice things about it. This is the 2nd edition soft back version. Same quality printing but with more photos and lighter in weight. Cost £120 inclusive of postage and packing and tracking to the UK