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Card in Wallet


This is the Card in Wallet trick invented by Patrick Page in 1960 (yes it is that old) and used by many magicians as part of their routine, including Paul Daniels. A spectator signs their name on the back of a card and the magician opens a sealed wallet and reveals the signed card. A very powerful effect. The wallet can be used again and again and should last a lifetime for a working magician. A genuine leather wallet specially adapted for use by magicians.

Easy Money


This is possibly the most well known of all the tricks and effects invented by Patrick Page but one that many people do not even realise was invented by him. It has been copied by magicians and dealers all over the world.

The copyright for the trick rests with Patrick Page Magic.

This includes a DVD showing you how to perform the trick and the gimmick with fake money which you can use to create your own gimmick using real pound notes, euro notes, dollars or whatever currency you want to use.

Dynamo recently appeared on tv with a variation (also invented by Patrick Page) of turning lottery tickets into money.

Hanky Panky Cloth


The Hanky Panky Cloth is designed to produce or vanish almost any small object: coins, balls, packs of cards, packet of cigarettes etc.

The Hanky Panky Cloth Trick includes a Hanky Panky Cloth, the original written instructions by Patrick Page and a short DVD of the man himself demonstrating the effect (taken from The Pageboy Speaks DVD Lecture which is also available for purchase from this site).

And a further use of the cloth is to perform table top magic and gather items used before moving on to the next table. Patrick Page used this regularly when performing at functions at hotels and dinner functions.

Patrick Page Lecture Misdirection DVD


Patrick Page Masterclass DVD – Misdirection. Patrick Page – Magic Gold Series No. 1 This is the 1st in a newly released series of Patrick Page – Magic Gold DVDs. Although the footage is old, the material is sensational. Patrick Page using misdirection in front of a live audience of magicians. He shows them how to misdirect. They do not see it. He does it again and tells them what he is doing. They still do not see it. A genuine masterclass in misdirection by a true master!

Patrick Page Master class DVD on Coins Through Table


This DVD features a rare, uncut studio recording from the early 1980s, including material previously released on Trik A Tape. It showcases Patrick Page’s unique take on the Han Ping Chien Coins Through Table effect. Unlike other versions, Patrick’s routine uses ordinary coins and can be performed standing up, making it versatile and powerful. Perfect for impromptu performances, parties, or table hopping, this trick requires no special setup and can even be performed with a spectator’s coins. Patrick guides you step-by-step through the effect, sharing its history and insights from legendary magicians like Al Koran, Tony Slydini, and others.

Patrick Page Masterclass Reveal A Card DVD


Patrick Page Masterclass DVD – Reveal A Card Patrick Page – Magic Gold Series No. 4 This is the 4th in a newly released series of Patrick Page – Magic Gold DVDs. Ideal for anyone interested in card magic. For both beginners AND advanced card magicians. Patrick Page always believed in keeping things simple – less to go wrong. In this DVD he shows the basics for beginners and at the end shows some of the more difficult card manoeuvres. He rarely performed those as he always believed that “it was always about the effect”. The spectator was never interested in how difficult or easy the effect was to perform by the magician. In over 50 years working as a professional magician, Patrick Page kept it simple. Product now back in stock!!!

Patrick Page’s Old Moore’s Diary Trick


Simple to perform Old Moore’s Diary Trick. It can be self working for the beginner magician or with some clever shuffling of the pack, it can be even more impressive. It is the ultimate take on a diary trick. No questions asked. No forcing of cards. It can be repeated immediately. Only one diary used. It can be used for leap years. The diary is in full view of the spectator all the time. The diary should last a lifetime. It comes with a diary, full written instructions on how to perform the clip and a PAL DVD clip of Patrick Page performing the trick with his patter. The DVD should work on all MAC and PC computers.

Secret Cabaret DVD with Simon Drake


Secret Cabaret DVD with Simon Drake. The Creators Cut Series One and Two. Simon Drake was the first to perform this type of ghoulish horror magic. These are the best bits involving Simon Drake during Series One and Two. Patrick Page was the Magic Consultant for the Channel 4 TV Series.

The Kitson Miracle – Three Card Monte – Find The Lady


Patrick Page Masterclass Video – The Kitson Miracle
Patrick Page – Magic Gold Series No. 3
This is the 3rd in a series of Patrick Page – Magic Gold Videos

Includes the gaffed cards that you need to be able to perform the trick and a video of Patrick showing you how to perform it.

The Kitson Miracle is the Patrick Page version of the traditional “Find A Lady”

The Pageboy Speaks – Patrick Page Lecture DVD


The Pageboy Speaks – A lecture by Patrick Page to magicians showing how to perform many of the tricks that he invented and used in his act.

Sadly Patrick is no longer with us. This is the next best thing – a recording of one of the lectures that he performed all over the world in front of magicians teaching them how to perform his best tricks. As well as telling you everything you need to know about how to perform the effects, the routines and patter to use, the lecture also is a great example of Patrick Page’s humour. He was an entertainer!

The Ten Second Paper Tear Effect by Patrick Page


Presenting the 7th installment in the Patrick Page Masterclass Gold Series: The Ten Second Paper Tear. This highly anticipated DVD features Patrick Page’s acclaimed version of the classic Torn and Restored Newspaper effect. With uncut vintage footage from the early 1980s, including material from Trik A Tape, Patrick teaches his quick and simple preparation technique that takes just ten seconds—using nothing more than two identical newspapers.

Topit Vanisher


Topit is the rather unusual name given to one of the most versatile props ever devised to assist the performance of magic effects.

It is a large pocket which is fastened to the inside of your jacket.

Learn how to use this prop and you will be able to make everyday items vanish and reappear before the very eyes of spectators. There is something very powerful about making an item that a spectator has touched and used, disappear in front of them.

This comes with a free DVD excerpt showing you how to use the topit. We sell an extra DVD with more footage and information on how to perform this effect separately.

Topit Vanisher Masterclass DVD


Patrick Page – Magic Gold Series No. 2 This is the 2nd in a newly released series of Patrick Page – Magic Gold DVDs. Patrick Page was probably the best magician in the world using the topit. The secret of using of course was that people did not realise that it existed. In this DVD learn how to use a topit successfully and make ordinary objects such as salt cellars, wine glasses, packs of cards, lighters, cigarette packets vanish and appear at will. Spectators are impressed by ordinary every day items that they have seen and used disappearing in front of their eyes. The topit is possibly the most useful magic accessory for a working magician. We sell topit vanishers separately.