Magic Page by Page Book Rest of World Delivery


The 1st Edition Hardback version of Magic Page by Page by Patrick Page was published at the end of November 2011 and the 1,000 copies printed were sold out in May 2013. Thank you to everyone who bought the book and said such nice things about it. This is the 2nd edition softback made to the same quality but with a softback and a few more photos. Everything you need to know about magic to become a professional magician. Cost of the book inclusive of shipping to addresses outside of Europe (USA, Australia, etc. £150).  We send the book by tracking.  

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The 1st Edition Hardback version of Magic Page by Page by Patrick Page was published at the end of November 2011 and the 1,000 copies printed were sold out in May 2013. Thank you to everyone who bought the book and said such nice things about it.

The 2nd Edition has now been printed and is available to purchase exclusively from Patrick Page Magic. 

The soft back version is still a very big book, lavishly illustrated with 328 pages, 12″ x 9″ in size, jam packed with great magic effects and advice and advice on how to perform them from one of the magic’s greatest teachers. It contains details of the routines that Patrick regularly performed and from which he earned a living over the last 60 years.

We have used the same quality paper as before and just replaced the hard cover with a soft cover to get the weight of the book down. 

What is different about the new 2nd Edition version?

The book is just the same as the 1st edition hardback version with the following changes:

• We added a few people to the list of people whose help with the book we wished to acknowledge and who weren’t included in the first edition.

• We added a few extra photos in the book of Patrick

• We made a few corrections to some very minor errors that were spotted in the 1st edition

That’s it. We haven’t changed any of the words. It is exactly as Patrick wrote it. We would have risked being struck down by a bolt of lightning had we dared!

What’s in the book? Well what isn’t in it?

Well there are chapters on cards, stacked decks, coins, the Miser’s Dream and palming, use of sponge balls, ropes, thumb tips, paper tearing and restoring, silks, purse frame etc., dealer delights such as Cord A Cup, Easy Money, Patrick’s version of the 3 Card Monte, Money Bag, Old Moore’s Diary, the Hanky Panky Cloth, the Topit Vanisher, Comedy Magic, Misdirection, Spectator assistance and much much more.

Below is a non exhaustive list of some of the money topics covered by Patrick in his book.

Chapter 1 Cards

Cards to Pocket – Patrick’s own take on a classic piece of card magic.

The Continuous Do As I Do – an effect performed by Patrick over many years starting off as a quickie, close-up card trick to its eventual handling, featuring entertaining audience participation.

An Impromptu Vanish – the ideal effect for anyone who already performs card manupulations.

Beyond Coincidence – “strolling magic” which requires no preparation, just a deck of cards.

Patrick Page’s Card in Wallet – a spectator takes a card from a pack of cards, marks it with initials and the card is revealed from a zipped wallet.

One, Two, Three, It’s Yours – an unexpected method of producing a previously selected card from a pack of cards.

Heba Haba Magic – Patrick Page’s version of what was his favourite trick.

The Davenport Deception – a visual effect involving a card under a coin changing to a selected card.

The PrincESP Card Trick – a variation of the Hardin Princess Card Trick, with E,S,P cards.

Three Cards Across – a classic card effect involving 3 cards travelling from one pack to another.

Princess Quatro – based on the Hardin Princess Card Trick with a climax which is more surprising than the original.

Peg It – producing a selected card and clipping it between the jaws of a clothes peg.

Jumbo One in the Middle – a modern version of an effect devised by Patrick Page in the 1950’s, with Jumbo cards.

Big Money Aces – a card trick with a surprise finish.

The Top Change – how to perform the top change with a pack of cards.

The Unknown Soldier’s Card Trick – a card trick based on an idea given to Patrick Page by Ken de Courcy (and shown to him by an American soldier in North Africa during the 2nd World War).

The Multiple Colour Change – Patrick Page’s interpretation of the famous Dai Vernon Tenkai Palm colour change.

The Pageboy Card Switch – a move enabling you to switch one card for another while the card is lying down on the table face down.

Chapter 2 The Stacked Deck

Information on stacked decks and ideas on how to use them as part of a routine

The PaPa System

Things You Should Know About a Stacked Deck

Handling a Stacked Deck


Other Revelations


The Face-Up Revelation

Multiple Revelations

The Probe

Pocketed Cards

The Fernandez Miracle

Calling the Cards

The Pocket Card Index

Ted Danson’s Diary Trick

The Ultimate Variation: Old Moore’s Diary – Patrick Page’s own diary trick.

The Four Packets – Parts 1 and 2.


At a Number

The PaPa System Plus Si Stebbins

The Estimated Cut


Think A Card


Name a Number

And Again

The Faro/Weave/Butt/Shuffle

Avoiding the Peek

Chapter 3 Coins

No Lap Coins Through Table & The Hang Ping Chien Move

The Big Coin Production

The Complete Coin Miracle

Spellbound Climax

The Pull Back Coin Vanish

A Coin Interlude

A Coin Vanish

The Sleeve Dropper

A La Malini

Coins Coins Coins

Chapter 4 The Miser’s Dream

The Bucket and Coins

The Necessary Sleights

The T Nelson Downs “Palm”
The Classic Palm

The Thumb Palm

The Pull Back

The Drop Plus Finger Palm

The Back Clip

The Left Hand

The Basic Routine

Coin Holders

In Lieu of the Coin Holder

The Effect


The Chanin Coin Production and Variation on the Chanin Theme.

Chapter 5 Miscellaneous: Sponge Balls, Ropes, Silks etc.

The Opener

Glass of Liquid Production

The Sponge Ball Routine

The Bowl Routine

The Sleeve Dodge

The Purse Frame

The Burned and Restored Bill in Wallet

The Ten Second Paper Tear

The Colour Changing Handkerchief

Bare Hand Silk Production

Dyeing the Silks

One More Torn and Restored Paper

A Thumb Tip Tip

The Al Koran Thimble Routine

Lighter Thru Table

Tambo Tambo

The Borrowed Finger Ring

The Purse Switch

The Pageboy Ball Vanish

The Cut and Restored Rope

The Everlasting Cut and Restored Rope

Three to One Rope Trick

The Rope Rope Rope Trick

With a Thumb Tip

Chapter 6 Dealer’s Delights

Easy Money – turning paper into money. Patrick Page’s most well known trick but one that many do not realise that he was the inventor.

One in the Middle – the first effect marketed by Patrick Page (invented in 1955)

The Colour Changing Jumbo

The Golden Girdle

Cord –A-Cup



Copycat Cards

The Fifty – Fifty Cards

Double Mirage – Parts 1 and 2.

One More Time

Repeat Flag Production

Patrick’s Hatrick

A Handful of Magic

Chameleon Clown

The Invisible Chicken

Topsy Turvy Candle

Money Bag

Clink Coins


The Mini Money Miracle

The Big Four

The Noddy Handkerchief

Funny Bunny

The Hanky Panky Cloth

Patrick Page’s Ringstick

The Brainbuster Deck

Cash Catch

Chapter 7 Topit

Full instructions and tips on how to use the Topit Vanisher. Patrick included the Topit Vanisher in all of his routines.

Chapter 8 Patrick Page’s Comedy Magic

Information on more comedy gags and effects than you will ever need but almost certainly something to suit everyone in this Chapter.

Below is a list of topics included in this Chapter.

The Magic Box

The Vanishing Birdcage

The Vanishing Apple

Val’s Opener

Tearing It Up

An Alternative

The Handyman


Arrivederci Magic

Colour Blind?

A Colour Change

The Electric Deck

A Flashy Gag

Sharp As A Knife

A Flaming Candle


Bang Bang


A Prediction


Smoke Gets Everywhere

From Down Under

The Portable Cow

The Shot Knot

Smoke Smoke Smoke

A Cigarette Twist

Expensive Prop

No Smoking

The Buttonhole

The Vanishing Handkerchief

Sock It

The Legend

The Acrobatic Glove

The Flash Box

The Egg Trick


H.G. Wells Outdone

Striking It Lucky

God Bless Cardini

A Tissue of…?

Tale of a Fish

Jay’s Tale

A Con Trick

The Vanishing (?)

Another T & R Paper

The Breakaway Wand

See The Pretty Thing

Those Blinking Rings

The Electric Deck, Again

A Feat of Magic

Spots Off

A Sticky Moment

A Hat Trick

Billy’s Thimble

Up Up Up Up Up

Cue For Magic

That Rope Trick

And Another

The Indian Rope Trick


Home James

Half and Half

The Eye Card Trick

Wrong Card Right Card

A Table Tip



A Plate

The Boomerang Card

Name A Card 1

Ditto 2

Ditto 3

The Card Is?

The Windbag

The Diminishing Handkerchief

A Dodgy Rope

A Dodgy Rope 2

The Cannonball Illusion

All Seeing Blindfold

Baby Baby



Smoke Signals

Breakaway Props

Breakaway Wand

Breakaway Spoon

Breakaway Gun

Breakaway Fan

Breakaway Box

Breakaway Scissors

Just A Thought

Breakaway Breakaway

It’s My Turn Now

Rabbit, Where Art Thou?

Card In Wallet

A Green Pair?

Obedient Cards

The Flat Rabbit

The Baby Gag

Hanky Panky 1

Hanky Panky 2

Dowler’s Rings

A Coin Trick

It’s Handy

Good Evening

Pocket Magic

A Hole in One

Blank Him

Sleightly Different



19 different Comedy Props

Chapter 9 Misdirection

Ideas on misdirection

A Ball Vanish

The Big Steal

Card Under the Ashtray

Chapter 10 Now They See It

Effects concerned with a spectator assisting the performer.

The Vanishing and Reappearing Saucer

The Early Version

Card on Forehead

Clayton Rawson

Which Hand Is It In?


On The Back

Bonus Genus

Another Version

With a Balloon

Dr Giovanni’s Card on Back

Paper Balls Over the Head

The Egg Bag

The Vanishing Liquid

Variation 1

Variation 2

The Pitchman Routine

Six Inches More

The Eye Chart

This is the Big Time

The Coin Vanish

The Knotted Handkerchiefs

Appendix – Interview of Patrick Page by Matt Field, editor in April 2007 for The Magic Circular, the monthly magazine of The Magic Circle.

The book has been described as “a career changing book”. Full of wit and wisdom, Magic Page by Page is Patrick’s life’s work in magic, a virtual omnibus of his magic inventions, written down for posterity.

Thanks to the late Matt Field and Michael Albright (editor and designer respectively), it’s also a stylish, elegant book that’s easy to read.

Please make payment by Paypal.

We will try to ship to you the next working day. We post to USA by air mail and track the book. The book is sent in a protective card board sleeve.

We have included comments from some of our customers about the 1st Edition of Magic Page by Page. Here’s what Simon Drake, star and creator of The Secret Cabaret and The House of Magic had to say about the new Magic Page by Page book by Patrick Page

“Magic Page by Page” by Patrick Page

‘If a person was starting out in magic and this book was the only one they ever had, the wisdom and simplicity therein would be sufficient to become a first-rate entertainer’

Simon Drake, January 2012

Review of the Book

We are grateful to Dave Goulding who has just written (5th December 2011) the following review of the book for the Aberdeen Magical Society’s in-house magazine Pisces and given us permission to use it. We have also included a review received from Pat Fallon in Dublin (9th December 2011). Thanks Pat for generously allowing us to include it below for your enjoyment.

Magic Page By Page

Today was a good day. Yes, it’s Monday; yes, the temperature never got above freezing; yes,

the economy is staggering along but no matter because the Postie delivered my copy of “Magic

Page by Page”!

Now those of you that know me will be aware of my admiration for the greatly missed Pat, so I

will do my best to rein in my emotions and try my damnedest to give you an impartial and

subjective review of this book.

Let’s start with the physical aspects. It is big at 12.5″ by 9.5″. There are about 330 pages of

excellent quality heavy matt art paper, bound in hardback with a glossy dust sheet. Many pages

are lavishly illustrated with explanatory photographs of the Page Boy himself while others have

lovely line drawings and even publicity-type photos of Pat. It is beautiful to look at.

Anyone who is familiar with Pat’s work will already be acquainted with his clear, direct writing

style. There are very few words wasted when an effect is being explained but the subject is

always fully covered. I must give a huge credit to Matthew Field who has done a wonderful job

of editing Pat’s work.

In the cover notes, the book is described as Pat’s magnum opus and it is certainly that. The

contents would take far too long to discuss but let me assure you that anything that you ever

saw Pat do, heard him lecture about or read in any of the publications that he produced (or

contributed to) will be covered here. In fact, there are more than two hundred tricks, moves and

bits of business covered.

There is enough material in here to last for several careers. Every aspect, style and genre of

magic is covered from cards and coins through to stage via strolling, parlour and restaurants.

There truly is something for everyone here.

What frankly amazes me is that the book was published as it is. I believe that it could easily

have been split into two or even three volumes. Now don’t get me wrong; this is not a complaint.

I just think that it is an extremely generous gesture by the publishers!

In saying that, I do hope that they come across some more forgotten or unpublished material as

I really don’t want to think that this will be the last ever Pat Page book.

So to sum up: don’t even think about it: go to the Patrick Page Magic website (details below)

now. Order it, read it and I promise that you will keep going back to it. I sincerely believe that

this will rank with Tarbell and Wilson as a ‘must have’ in any magic library. Buy it now, get a first

edition and enjoy your investment! DG

Review from Pat Fallon in Dublin (9th December). Thanks Pat for allowing us to including this review.

This morning I felt very sorry for my postman as I saw him heading to my front door in the wind and rain with as rather large package under his arm. Despite feeling sorry for him I was happy to see him struggling, as I knew he was delivering my much anticipated copy of Page by Page.

Nothing could have prepared me for what was inside the brown cardboard packing, not even the preview material I had seen at the International Convention a couple of weeks ago. It is a magnificent large format volume of some three hundred and twenty seven pages, full of Patrick Page’s routines, stories, observations, tips, advice and photographs, all beautifully laid out in a way that makes it a joy to read.

The design work by Michael Albright is just wonderful and you could not ask for a better editor than Matthew Field which makes this a truly beautiful piece of work and everything the author would have expected it to be. It is a fitting tribute to a man who did so much to further the careers of so many of the magicians like myself currently working all over the world.

Anybody who has witnessed Patrick Page in action would know what to expect in the way of tricks and routines, but it’s all the other extra stuff you get that makes this such and enjoyable and educational read. This book was a gift to myself to be read over the Christmas Holiday, but I could not resist delving into it to savour some of the contents and these are just two of the many gems I discovered.

Chapter Two dealing with the stacked asks the question “A spectator takes a card and you immediately know it’s name, now what. They name a card and you instantly know it’s position in the deck, now what. They call out a number and you can tell then what card is at that position, now what” not only does Patrick Page ask the question, but thankfully he gives you the answers.

Chapter Ten is entitled ‘Now they see it’ which is probably the most comprehensive collection of tricks where everybody, but the spectator on stage, knows what is happening except him. Tricks like the Paper Balls over the Head and Card on Forehead are just two of the many items dealt with in this chapter which was for me alone worth the asking price.

I was very lucky to have personally known Pat and any time spent with him was always a joy. It was his other ‘Big Book of Magic’ the really got me started, which he always maintained was regrettable, that he had to bear the burden of responsibility for me inflicting pain on the general public.

I do have two major regrets about the book, one being that Patrick never lived to see his masterpiece published and the other is that unlike all the other Patrick Page material in my library it will never bear his signature. You may be gone but this book will ensure you are never forgotten.

Pat Fallon 9th December 2011



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