Patrick Page Masterclass Reveal A Card DVD


Patrick Page Masterclass DVD – Reveal A Card Patrick Page – Magic Gold Series No. 4 This is the 4th in a newly released series of Patrick Page – Magic Gold DVDs. Ideal for anyone interested in card magic. For both beginners AND advanced card magicians. Patrick Page always believed in keeping things simple – less to go wrong. In this DVD he shows the basics for beginners and at the end shows some of the more difficult card manoeuvres. He rarely performed those as he always believed that “it was always about the effect”. The spectator was never interested in how difficult or easy the effect was to perform by the magician. In over 50 years working as a professional magician, Patrick Page kept it simple. Product now back in stock!!!

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Patrick Page Masterclass DVD – Reveal A Card

Patrick Page – Magic Gold Series No. 4

This is the 4th in a newly released series of Patrick Page – Magic Gold DVDs.

The late Patrick Page was recognised the world over as one of magic’s greatest teachers. His knowledge, experience and willingness to share what he knew, made him a cherished and much missed figure on the magic scene.

Filmed in a studio, Patrick Page shares his secrets with you on every effect (all 17 of them) which he performs and fully explains.

Seventeen impromptu routines, effects and methods of revealing a chosen playing card – no forcing!.

Never again be at a loss to entertain with a borrowed pack of cards!

The DVD includes:

Clap Hands
The £20 Note
French Change
The Aussie Count
With a Book
The Gambler
Twisting The Pips and much more!

There’s also a section on card control and some advice on card palming.

PLUS vintage footage of Patrick Page performing and teaching at the Magic Circle in London. There he pays homage to Heba Heba Al from Chicago and demonstrates a reveal taught to him by this celebrated master of misdirection.

Includes material previously released on Trik A Tape.
The Reveal A Card DVD is priced at £12  inclusive of free worldwide postage and packing (shipping). It is sent to you by first class post. Please make payment by Paypal.

The DVD is a Pal version for use on Pal tv systems but should work on most computers.

More information on card tricks is included in the Magic Page by Page Book available exclusively from Patrick Page Magic.


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